Paris Space Week 2021 Paris – France 03/2021 Tailor-made cyberalloys 
IRAS Additive Manufacturing Workshop Virtual 05/07/2021 Additive Manufacturing of Components for Rocket Propulsion
TMS 2022 conference  Anaheim – USA 03/2022 Development framework advancing state-of-the-art for space propulsion components.
ESA-ESTEC ICAM22 Noordwijk – ESTEC – The Netherlands 03/2022 Computational materials design framework for refractory complex concentrated alloys advancing space propulsion components.
1st ESA Int. conference on advanced manufacturing for air, space, and land transportation Virtual 11/03/2022 Metal Additive Manufacturing of Space Components @ DLR
Plansee seminar  Plansee – Austria


05/2022 Development of materials design framework for refractory complex concentrated alloys advancing space propulsion components
12th EASN International Conference on Innovation in Aviation and Space for opening New Horizons



Barcelona – Spain


10/2022 Special session dedicated to ATLAS



·Sara Bagherifard, Mario Guagliano; Advanced Design of High-Entropy Based Materials for Space Propulsion (ATLAS), an introduction.

·Fuyao Yan; An Integrated Computational Materials Engineering approach to advance AM refractory complex concentrated alloys for ultra-high temperature applications.

·Marcello Lepore (UoD contribution); A multi-physics procedure to identify critical zone of failure in space thrusters.

·Sara Bagherifard, M. Guagliano; Analyzing the effect of feedstock properties in cold spray technology.

·Jan Haubrich, Joachim Gussone, Fuyao Yan, Ida Berglund, Andreas Stark, Norbert Schell, Guillermo Requena; Laser powder bed fusion of refractory complex concentrated alloys for space propulsion components

Graphene Week 2022 Munich – Germany 05-09/09/2022 Discussion with stakeholders about the materials’ challenges in the space sector for propulsion and navigation control
DLR materials colloquium Cologne – Germany 06/12/2022 ·Development framework for the design of novel alloys in space propulsion systems

·Ti-based alloys and refractory complex concentrated alloys for additive manufacturing

15th European Space Conference Brussels 25/01/2023 Presentation of the ATLAS projects and results
EPIC Workshop Naples + Virtual 09-12/05/2023 Discussion about the contribution that ATLAS could have in the propulsion sector
Graphene Week 2023 Gothenburg – Sweden 04-08/09/2023 The importance of high-entropy alloys in the space sector – discussion with stakeholders – Airbus, Leonardo
DLR materials colloquium Cologne, Germany 12/2023 Integrated computational materials engineering and its digital transformation


Keynote lecture at European Space Agency – materials science working group Noordwijk – ESTEC – The Netherlands 18/01/2024 The importance of materials for aerospace and the role of high-entropy alloys – Discussion with the group and ESA officers
The Fourth International Conference on Damage Mechanics Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA, May 15 – 18, 2023 Ultimate and low cycle fatigue predictions of a space thruster built with a new refractory high entropy alloy
X International Conference of Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering Chania, Crete, Greece 5-7 June 2023 Thermo-mechanical structural optimization of a chemical propulsion satellite thruster using lattice structures

Symposium to celebrate the 100th.  of the Italian Air Force


Naples / Pozzuoli 09-10/11/2023


Organization of the Symposium – Presentation of the materials’ challenges in the hypersonic sectors including the high-entropy alloys –Participation to the roadmap “the future of hypersonic” as a contributing author (team leader of the chapters on materials of the future – Prof Angelo Maligno)

Roadmap Chapter on innovative materials including high-entropy alloys for propulsion, protection, and thermal resistance

Innovation and leadership in Aerospace – ILA Berlin – Germany 22-24/06/2022 Presentation of the ATLAS results to stakeholders
International Astronautical Congress – IAC Paris – France 19-21/09/2022 Discussion with stakeholders –Leonardo, Space cargo unlimited, Axiom, Space Application System
PuzzleX 2022 Barcelona 15/11/2022 – 17/11/2022 The importance of high-entropy alloys materials in the future space propulsion landscape – discussion with stakeholders (venture, entrepreneurs)
Rome Future Week Rome 13-15/09/2023 Presentation of ATLAS as an enabling project for developing new and improved materials for Space applications – Discussion with the head of the commercialization at the European Space Agency
PuzzleX 2023 Barcelona 04/11/2023 – 11/11/2023 The importance of high-entropy alloys materials in the future space propulsion landscape – discussion with stakeholders (venture, entrepreneurs)
Business in Space Growth Network Noordwijk – ESTEC – The Netherlands 17-19/01/2024 Stakeholders’ meetings